Brooks Proofide Leather Dressing

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Proofide is a cream to help assist the break-in process and keep leather supple. Specially formulated from natural ingredients, Brooks Proofide conditions, preserves and shower-proofs your saddle.
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Proofide is the only substance that should be used to care for your Brooks Leather Saddle, specially formulated from natural ingredients to condition, preserve and showerproof. Apply a little of this leather saddle cream to the finished side of the leather. Allow to permeate until dry and then polish off. Also apply Proofide to the underside of the saddle, but leave this coating on to protect against dirt and moisture. It should be used several times during the ‘breaking-in’ period and periodically (3-6 months) thereafter. It is recommended to polish the saddle with a soft cloth before first use.

Please inquire for rates and timelines on Proofide  treatment and leather saddle installation.